The Blackbirds

The Blackbirds

I was with a man and a woman who were experiencing "ghosts" in their home and were seeking prayer.

She was a beautiful woman with dark shiny raven-like hair but she seemed to have a dark grey countenance as if something was hanging over her.

As we were praying, I asked her what she saw (in her mind's eye), she stated she saw blackbirds fly over her head squawking loudly. They husband jolted up "me too!" He said.

"What were you thinking about as the blackbirds flew over your head?" I asked.

"My horrible mother-in-law!"

She and her husband immediately began to have a spat as we sat there.

I was able to calm them down and brought them back to focus. I suggested that we might engage in a forgiveness activation.

The woman said she would do anything to get rid of those ghosts.

We began the activation, she gagged and started to throw up. I interrupted by telling the spirit to stop.

"What is happening?" I asked her.

"I feel like I'm being choked and I want to throw up,” she could barely get it out in a whisper.

"Tell it to stop and tell it no. You have authority in Christ to say so. It's your body." And she did.

Suddenly, she coughed and a black mist came out of her mouth and disappeared over her head.

"I feel incredible! Like I can do anything. The blackbirds became silent and disintegrated!" She exclaimed.

I led her in a few simple prayers and they both left relieved and hopeful.

A year later I saw her in another city at a conference and she had to tell me who she was. She was unrecognizable to me. Her appearance had been changed and lighter. She and her husband said the ghosts were gone and they were able to reconcile with his mother. Their finances improved, as well as their children's health and more.

I love how God delivers us from evil.

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